Welcome to:

Axel Market

The only eCommerce solution created…

by sellers, for sellers!

Tired of high fees and costly customer “complaint abuse”?

Designed by experienced sellers, Axel Market is the only eCommerce solution focused on you, the seller:

  • Fastest setup of any eCommerce platform
  • Lowest cost of sales of any eCommerce platform
  • Most seller-friendly customer management policies

Online Storefront

Dive right in with listings on your own, personalized online store and become part of the world’s first virtual mall.

Back Office Tools

Manage inventory, orders, shipments, refunds and much more

Other Sales Channel Integration

Manage all your listings in one place, including on eBay and Amazon!

Finance and Reporting

Track sales, profits, taxes, and many other metrics, in any currency, including crypto!

Axel Market: The Seller’s Solution…

Product Management

Create and manage product listings, inventories, stock locations, all from Axel’s easy-to-use interface.

Sales Management

Take control of your sales across all sales channels and your personalized online store.

Business Management

Manage customer contacts, payment methods, currencies and tax rates to keep you on top of your business.

Axel Market creates seamless eCommerce management solutions with our easy-to-use platform

Until now, creating and maintaining an eCommerce business has been a huge undertaking. Axel Market offers an easy, affordable alternative.

Axel Market was designed from the ground up, by seasoned eCommerce sellers, to provide the easiest, most profitable selling experience available.

Axel Market is a full eCommerce suite with all the tools you need to move inventory fast, and minimize costly customer disputes.

Simultaneously manage your sales on your own online store and other sales channels like eBay and Amazon, all in one place!

Get started now!

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